lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Estelas químicas: La contaminación está en los cielos. Difracción y fumigación.

Tal vez sea un tema cada vez más tratado en los últimos años. Pero ciertamente en el último mes la actividad fumigadora ha batido records. La actividad, no se limita ya a las grandes áreas metropolitanas del globo, sino que actualmente se focaliza también en zonas menos densamente pobladas.
La cuestión de base que intriga, es las rutas en paralelo y perpendicular de los aparatos que generan las estelas, el mallado y cruce de las estelas y la sucesión-trayectoria de las estelas para que las nubes químicas se acumulen sobre el horizonte a poniente, difractando  los rayos del sol y ocultando la puesta del sol como si de un translúcido velo se tratase.
Ciertamente, cuando los cielos están despejados, es cuando comienza la actividad fumigadora, desde las 16.00 Horas a las 19.30 Horas, alcanza su máxima actividad. Cada 10 minutos transita un nuevo aparato paralelo a la ruta de la estela anterior y secuencialmente otros dos aparatos en trayectorias diagonales formando extrañas cuadrículas.
La estela comienza a dispersarse, ensanchándose en forma de rizos, con tramas que cubren finalmente el cielo a 5.000 pies de altura.  El despliegue de medios necesario para poder realizar esta tarea de forma diaria requiere un presupuesto incompatible con las rutas habituales de la aviación civil convencional.
Cada traza, cada tramo, cada segmento de estela, puede llegar a medir hasta 200 Km. El continuo tránsito giros, rutas y mayado, no concuerdan con la trayectoria de las rutas de aviación civil convencional. La actividad se incrementa de forma exponencial los fines de semana.
Seguidamente ofrecemos varios vídeos captados por varios ciudadanos en distintos puntos de la geografía española:
1º.-Cádiz: 26 de Mayo de 2012.

 2º.-San Pedro de Alcántara:  14 de Mayo de 2012.

3º.-Madrid: 16 de Mayo de 2012.

4º.-Explicación : Sistemas de difusión, distribución, intersección y refracción.

5º.-Exposición científica del Dr. Ken Caldeira: (Carnegie Institute, Stanford University).
Admite  abiertamente la utilización de los chemtrails como instrumento para la lucha contra el cambio climático.

6º.-Efectos de los Chemtrails sobre la salud: Caroline Carter y Morgellons Disease.

7º.-Discusión científica de la mano de la Doctora Anne Marie Helmenstine

Consultas científicas y bibliografía:
1º.-Morgellons: Morfología, etc…
1. OSU Center for Health Sciences | Morgellons Disease [25K]
Apr 2012
…Continuing Medical Education Telemedicine OSU Medical Center Morgellons Disease Printer Friendly What, Who, Where, When, Why, and…Philippines, Indonesia and Australia When The name “Morgellons Disease” is based on the description of a similar fiber producing…
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Arch Dermatol — Pimozide at Least as Safe and Perhaps More Effective Than Olanzapine for Treatment of Morgellons Disease, October 2006, Koblenzer 142 (10): 1364 [48K]
Apr 2011
…Than Olanzapine for Treatment of Morgellons Disease Since this article does not have…elements subsumed under the rubric Morgellonsdisease and reported in detail on the Morgellons…ARTICLES Successful Treatment of Morgellons Disease With Pimozide Therapy Reid and Lio…
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13 more things: Morgellons disease - 02 September 2009 – New Scientist [99K]
May 2011
…In-Depth Articles 13 more things: Morgellons disease 02 September 2009 Magazine issue…your skin, you most probably have Morgellonsdisease. Be warned though, that it may…medical literature, though, and Morgellons disease is frequently described as “unexplained…
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OSU-CHS | Morgellons Disease | Research [23K]
Apr 2012
…Education Telemedicine OSU Medical Center Morgellons Disease Printer Friendly What, Who, Where…Dr. Wymore) Donate Our ResearchMorgellons disease, a little-known and often discounted…Preliminary evidence suggests that Morgellons Disease is not DOP (delusions of parasites…
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Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with clinically confirmed [47K]
Feb 2012
…Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with clinically…Bethesda, MD, USA Background:Morgellons disease is a controversial illness in which…objective finding. The etiology of Morgellons disease is unknown, and diagnostic criteria…
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Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with clinically confirmed [28K]
Apr 2012
…Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with clinically…Bethesda, MD, USA Background:Morgellons disease is a controversial illness in which…objective finding. The etiology of Morgellons disease is unknown, and diagnostic criteria…
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CCID_9520_morgellons-disease–analys… [PDF-2MB]
Sep 2010
… Dovepress 9520 Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with… Background: Morgellons diseaseis a controversial illness in which…objective finding. The etiology of Morgellons disease is unknown, and diagnostic cri…
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OSU-CHS | Morgellons Disease | Links [23K]
Apr 2012
…Continuing Medical Education Telemedicine OSU Medical Center Morgellons Disease Printer Friendly What, Who, Where, When, Why, and…interview Video References The mystery of morgellons disease: infection or delusion? Savely VR Leitao MM Stricker…
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Sign in to read: Morgellons disease: The itch that won’t be scratched – health – 12 September 2007 – New Scientist [24K]
May 2011
…comprehensive round up of the latest news in science Home | Health | Science in Society | In-Depth Articles Morgellons disease: The itch that won’t be scratched 12 September 2007 by Daniel Elkan Magazine issue 2621 Subscribe and save…
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OSU Center for Health Sciences | Morgellons Disease [26K]
Sep 2011
…Education Telemedicine OSU Medical Center Morgellons Disease Printer Friendly What, Who, Where…the disease in 2002. The name “Morgellons Disease” is based on the description of…Leitao, whose child suffers from Morgellons Disease. Attention needs to be drawn to…
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2º.-Morgellons y Chemtrails:
1. 13 more things: Morgellons disease - 02 September 2009 – New Scientist [99K]
May 2011
…nano-technology. Chemtrails have a fluid fashion…the supposed cause of chemtrails. It would probably…benefit of exposing chemtrails as paranoic delsion…contact technical support Morgellons disease is unpleasant and debilitating…
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Video - Chemtrails Fact Or Fiction And Why [81K]
May 2011
…40 min Rating 4.84 Chemtrails UK Government admits…28 min Rating 4.71 Chemtrails Killed the Honey Bees…min Rating 4.75 Is MorgellonsDisease Caused By Chemtrail…Rating 5.00 2009 8/8 Chemtrails Japan 9.92 min Rating…
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Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated - Chemtrails Impact on Environment [97K]
May 2011
…Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated - Chemtrails Impact on Environment Paradoxes Resolved…Planetary Science Terrestrial ScienceChemtrails Impact on Environment New Topic Reply…these days the impact of the ongoing “chemtrails” /Haarp program on human health and…
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The Fiber Disease – Biology-Online [77K]
May 2011
…conspiracy, or that you have been taken by aliens, or that this is a new plague and this is the end of the world, maybe chemtrails, dental filling, bacteria, fungus, bugs..bacteriophage……ANYTING BUT NOTHING!! Let it be anything. PLEASE…
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The Fiber Disease – Biology-Online [75K]
Apr 2012
…conspiracy, or that you have been taken by aliens, or that this is a new plague and this is the end of the world, maybe chemtrails, dental filling, bacteria, fungus, bugs..bacteriophage……ANYTING BUT NOTHING!! Let it be anything. PLEASE…
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Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated [89K]
Sep 2010
…Planetary Science Terrestrial Science Chemtrails Impact on Environment Note: You must be…these days the impact of the ongoing “chemtrails” /Haarp program on human health and…Barium, one of the main components of chemtrails is rated as having toxicity equivalent…
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Important unknown nanotech within humans – Biology-Online [31K]
Aug 2011
…truth. Morgellons Disease New Lab Findings Point To Silicone/Silica and High…which it thrives. The blanketing of the skies via chemtrails to alter the spectrums of sunlight we receive that…
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Fillings – definition from [23K]
Sep 2009
…that worm and this bacteria, and this fungus and chemtrails yatta, yatta, yatta. NO sting that glues…The Fiber Disease Replies: 7403 Views: 1587558 Morgellons Disease … the Morgellons camp or they will destroy you…
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Important unknown nanotech within humans – Biology-Online [75K]
May 2011
…gel present in morgellons disease is a source…composition of chemtrails or as additives…fibres from chemtrails have been analysed…are emitted in chemtrails and manufactured…evidence that morgellons disease is primarily…
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Important unknown nanotech within humans – Biology-Online [75K]
Feb 2011
…gel present in morgellons disease is a source…composition of chemtrails or as additives…fibres from chemtrails have been analysed…are emitted in chemtrails and manufactured…evidence that morgellons disease is primarily…
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